How website images affect SEO
When working with web platforms like WordPress, there are three letters that induce anxiety in any business owner: SEO (search engine optimization). It’s one of the most confusing aspects of running a business, and web apps that rate your SEO with no more than a red or green light don’t make it any easier. Read […]
Dress your website for success
When people visit websites, first impressions count. Wow your audience by following our tips. Make a statement with professional photographs Before site visitors read what’s on your website, they assess it by checking out your images. A picture is indeed worth a thousand words, but are those words truly what you want to convey to […]
SEO recommendations for website images
Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most difficult and frustrating aspects of running a business. Web services and platforms that provide automated SEO reports like WordPress, Google, and Raven Tools tend to oversimplify their advice. If you’re trying to get a green light for SEO, you might need to look more closely at […]
Tips on how to manage Google reviews
Google is shaking things up yet again. Reviews from sites like Facebook and Yelp will now be displayed in search results with well-placed keywords and link-worthy content. Here’s how you can efficiently manage your business’s reviews How Google changed search results Google now automatically aggregates and includes online reviews to display in the Knowledge Panel […]
Do ugly websites really cost you money?
We are taught never to judge a book by its cover. But in this superficial age, looks are everything, especially for websites. Your website is a customer’s first impression of your business, and if it doesn’t wow them, you’re losing money. Follow these best practices so you don’t end up in that situation. A variety […]