IT Consulting

Business Continuity Planning

Ensuring your internal and external users get back up and running quickly after a disaster requires careful preparation.

Your ability to stay in business in the wake of a disaster depends on having not only robust data backups and recovery procedures, but also an in-depth scheme to ensure business continuity. That means having a plan in place that ensures your business-critical IT functions will be addressed immediately, with clear-cut roles and responsibilities for the relevant personnel.

A proper business continuity plan will outline how employees will work if they must do so remotely, how clients will be served in the post-disaster short- and medium-term, and how vendors will continue to deliver your goods and services. Long story short, you’ll need an agenda that covers lots of internal and external factors, and Unity Cloud can show you the way.

Benefits of Business Continuity Planning with Unity Cloud:

Safe, secure data backup and restoration systems are crucial if you want to recover quickly from a storm, flood, fire, or theft, but they must be bolstered by business continuity planning that ensures you can get that data back online and your employees back to work straightaway.


Our GDPR data audit solution guides you through the compliance process, automates the collection of necessary data and generates mandatory reports

Cloud Migrations

On-premise to cloud and cloud-to-cloud migrations completed without downtime.

Unity Cloud creates value for clients

By combining IT expertise with proactive hands-on service delivery. Contact us to see how we can help your business.