Back up your mobile devices now

Companies such as Apple, Samsung, and others have turned mobile phones into mini-computers that can serve as a substitute for your laptop, or as a storage device. If you’re using a smartphone as a communications and storage device, backing up now would be a wise move. Malware on mobile More than two-thirds of the world’s […]

Cloud migration made safe and secure

If you’re thinking of transitioning your business to the cloud, consider the security of the platform. While providers would like us to believe that the friendly, fluffy cloud image used to market the service means it is automatically secure, the reality is far different. Just ask one of the nearly seven million Dropbox users who […]

Protect your browser, protect your business

Amidst the current climate of malware, hacks, and phishing scams, the internet really isn’t safe for any company that doesn’t take precautions. Without safeguards, browsers that you or your employees use are vulnerable to cyber attacks that may cripple productivity and profit. There are wise steps that every company should take to browse the net […]

Top reasons for technology business reviews

Small- and medium-sized businesses don’t have the time to maintain IT infrastructure, let alone assess whether it’s still driving value for the company. However, if you want to ensure everything runs smoothly, it’s important to be proactive and conduct technology business reviews when you can. What is a technology business review? A technology business review […]

6 Tips to keep your Mac computer safe

If you’re a Mac user, data privacy and security should be your #1 priority. Without the right security measures, you’re inviting cybercriminals to steal your critical data. Are you willing to take the risk? Secure your computer and fortify your defenses with these six tips.  The basics First, let’s start with the basics and head […]

4 types of hackers to watch out for

When it comes to cyberattacks, most business owners get hung up on the technical and logistical details, forgetting another important aspect: motive. Why are hackers attacking people and organizations? And whom are they targeting? By answering these questions, you’ll have a better understanding of which of your business’s resources need the most protection. Script Kiddies […]

Business computers: things to look for

In today’s business world, computers are an essential investment. Considering the tight budgets of small- and medium-sized businesses (SMB), one can’t afford to invest in the wrong hardware. Which is the smartest investment, especially for startups? Laptops or Desktops? Portability Laptops allow you to keep working when you don’t have an electrical outlet. However, this […]

Hybrid cloud: Give your SMB more flexibility

Cloud computing has become an indispensable component in business IT because it’s cost-effective, flexible, and secure. Thanks to hybrid cloud solutions, organizations have access to even more agile computing resources. Hybrid clouds are a combination of private and public clouds. In the former, data and applications that require tighter controls are hosted either internally or […]

PhishPoint attack looks like SharePoint

Phishing scams disguise malicious links and emails as messages from trusted sources. The most recent scam to watch out for almost perfectly imitates a trusted invitation to collaborate through Microsoft SharePoint. It’s a three-step attack that’s easy to avoid if you know how it works. Step 1 – Invitation to collaborate email The first thing […]

Spectre makes a comeback

When one cyberattack is stopped, another more powerful variant almost always takes its place. It happens all the time with ransomware, computer viruses, and Trojan horses. Recently, this has become the case with Spectre attacks, which exploit a fundamental flaw in modern computer chips. Here’s everything you need to know. Spectre 101 For those who […]