3 Ways to browse the net safely at work

Amidst the current climate of malware, hacks, and phishing scams, companies must take precautions when accessing the internet. Without safeguards, browsers that you or your employees use are vulnerable to cyberattacks that may cripple productivity and profit. Here are steps that your company should take to browse the net safely. Prevent browser tracking If you […]

5 Ways systems can be breached

When it comes to business IT security, many small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) often struggle to protect their systems from various cyberattacks. While there are many things you can do to secure your IT infrastructure, being aware of common security threats will really help. Here are five common ways your systems can be breached. #1. […]

Safeguarding your social media from hackers

Social media phishing is on the rise. Facebook is one of the most commonly impersonated brands in phishing attacks. Hackers now employ more sophisticated tactics, so you must strengthen your privacy settings to keep them away. Lock screens exist for a reason Lock all your computing devices as soon as you stop using them. This […]

Tips and tricks to prevent watering hole attacks

Hackers are getting creative nowadays with their illicit activities, which means the onus is on computer users to take steps to protect their computers. The first step to staying ahead of the game is by learning more about cyberattacks. Here are some pointers to help you deal with oneway criminals steal data: watering hole attacks. […]

Do more with Office 365

You’ve probably purchased Office 365 to be more productive, but things haven’t turned out well. Don’t feel bad since it’s not too late; here’s what you can do. Get the staff aboard To maximize your company’s productivity with Office 365, make sure that every employee with a computer uses it. While this may be easier […]

5 Tips for securing your email account

Email is one of the best things the internet has made possible. We use email to signup for websites, apply for jobs, make payments, and many more. But email users also run the risk of account hijacking, malware attacks, and other cyberthreats. To secure your emails, follow these crucial tips. Use separate email accounts Most […]

Guarding your company’s data

You can’t afford to lose business data. It takes away the trust of your clients, leading to loss of revenue. Cybercriminals are here to stay, so it’s more important than ever to utilize tight security measures to keep your business data safe. Still, some hackers may have advanced cracking skills, or are really determined to […]

Get ahead of cybersecurity with these basic IT terms

Cybersecurity is everyone’s responsibility. But you don’t need to be an IT expert to know how to protect yourself from a cyberattack. To help you get started, here are helpful terms you need to know so you’re not left in the dark, whether you’re teaching yourself how to update your anti-malware, updating your systems, or […]

Protection through browser extensions

Protecting yourself, your employees, and your business when you’re using the internet is necessary if you want to remain safe, productive, and profitable. Given the proliferation of phishing attacks, hacks, and online fraud, we all need to ramp up our online security measures. Here are some ways to bolster security using browser extensions. Prevent browser […]

Two excellent ways to verify user identity

Cybersecurity is a vital component to businesses these days. You need to make sure that criminals cannot just hack into your network. When it comes to verifying users’ identity, there are two types of authentication used: two-step and two-factor. These two are so similar, many confuse one with the other. Learn the difference between the […]