The many benefits of a dual monitor system to SMBs
Small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are always seeking ways to ensure that their employees make the most of office computers. But before you go out and buy bigger hard drives and faster processors, consider upgrading your desktops to a dual monitor system. Read on to find out about the advantages of using two monitors per […]
The convenience of dual monitors
Some things come in pairs, including glasses, shoes, and, for busy office workers, computer monitors. Using two monitors at once may seem unconventional for some, but doing so has a lot of advantages. If you’re hesitant about your employees using two monitors simultaneously, perhaps these benefits will change your mind. Enhanced productivity A survey by […]
The convenience of dual monitors
Many employees are uncomfortable using two monitors at their desk, so it’s no surprise that dual monitor setups aren’t as popular as single monitor setups. But working with two screens provides ways for employees to work more productively. Here’s a look at some of the main reasons why your employees’ desktops should be upgraded to […]