Are your business printers protected against hacks?
When it comes to cybersecurity, you probably think of protecting computers, apps, or online databases first and printers last. Precisely because they’re overlooked in, printers can be exploited by hackers and used as a gateway to infiltrate your systems. Secure your networks against intruders by following these steps. What makes business printers vulnerable to cyberattacks? […]
3 Hats a hacker might wear
While not always accurate in its portrayal of hackers, Hollywood does get at least one thing right: there are many types of hackers out there, all with varied methods and motivations. In this article, we’ll take a look at three main types of hackers. A complicated history In the 1950s, the term “hacker” was vaguely […]
3 Types of hackers you should know about
Newspaper headlines and Hollywood movies have shaped our understanding of computer hackers, but in the real world it’s not so simple. Some hackers are making massive contributions to the field of cybersecurity, it just depends on which hat they’re wearing that day. Take a few minutes to learn about white, black, and gray hat hackers. […]
What are the risks of BYOD?
Taking work home, or practically anywhere, has never been easier. The bring your own device (BYOD) strategy has become a popular approach for many businesses to conduct work more efficiently and flexibly. But this strategy is not without risks. BYOD, if not implemented correctly, can make your system susceptible to a number of attacks. Here […]