Assess risks before buying new software

Cybersecurity is an issue that hounds businesses of all types. Sometimes organizations invest in security software without realizing the risks that come with it. Here’s why identifying threats before buying cybersecurity products is paramount. Uncover threats and vulnerabilities Every business should evaluate the current state of its cybersecurity by running a risk assessment. Doing so […]

What to do in case of a website breach

Despite efforts to protect your data, some breaches are beyond your control. When an online company with your personal details gets hacked, you have no choice but to manage your risks on your own. These practical tips can help you reduce risks of identity theft and other threats. Determine what was breached Whether its names, […]

SMB routers targeted by VPNFilter malware

In May, security experts discovered one of the most widespread malware infections in history. Now, they’re warning businesses and consumers that it’s even worse than their first assessment. The VPNFilter malware poses a threat to small businesses and requires immediate attention from anyone who hasn’t taken action against it. VPNFilter recap A team of security […]

Mitigating healthcare insider threats

First off, what is an insider threat in healthcare? An insider threat is an individual inside an organization discovered to have been accessing healthcare records without authorization. Healthcare companies must take steps to reduce the potential for insider threats, which is their top source of security incidents. #1 Educate – The workforce (meaning all healthcare […]

Hackers hijack PCs to steal cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Monero are so popular because they’re secure and potentially worth thousands of dollars. But investors and consumers aren’t the only ones interested in them. Hackers are using malicious tactics to steal cryptocurrency, and they’re doing it with something called cryptojacking. Hijacked hardware Cryptojacking secretly uses your computer to calculate complex mathematical […]

Virtual DR for ransomware protection

Ransomware takes your data hostage and demands a payment for its recovery. While it may seem like there’s no other choice but to pay the ransom, you should never give in to the hacker’s demands. Before the next wave of ransomware comes around, it’s important to protect your business with virtual disaster recovery solutions. Virtual […]

3 simple and easy cyber-security tips!

Keeping up with advancements in technology as a business owner is tough, especially when those advancements relate to information security. However, it doesn’t have to be. Here are a few physical security tips you can implement to protect your data before calling us! Cover up your webcam There must be some credibility to doing this […]

Beware of what you save in web browsers

There are a number of reasons you should be wary of saving your password to a digital platform. Just look at Yahoo’s data breach in 2013, which leaked passwords for three billion people. Even when your password isn’t compromised, saving it to a browser could have serious implications for your privacy. Why auto-fill passwords are […]

2017’s most valuable IT solutions

How many new technologies did your business adopt last year? Too many? Too few? You’ve officially made it through 2017 and there’s no better time than now to review which IT fads were worth investing in, and which ones should be left in the past. Look no further than our recap of last year’s most […]

VPNs: Why you need them

Whether it’s because of government surveillance or cyberattacks, internet users are more concerned than ever about the privacy of their online activities. Unfortunately, security measures like firewalls and antivirus software can’t help you in this case, but there’s one that can: Virtual Private Network (VPN). What is VPN? Simply put, a VPN is a group […]