We understand that GDPR can be a huge undertaking for any business. Internal resources are often over-stretched and there just isn’t the time, or the personnel available, to learn and implement such complex regulations and stay one step ahead.
Businesses are unsure where the responsibility within their organisation lies as the regulation can involve more than one division including marketing, operations, IT, human resources and sales. It is imperative that each member of the company should be aware of the regulations and how they will impact daily operations, now and in the future.
Unity Cloud can help take the pressure off your business with our GDPR data audit solution that guides you through the compliance process, automates the collection of necessary data and generates the required documents, helping your business comply with GDPR governance, now and in the future.
GDPR is now a EU regulation and heavy fines will be imposed on companies not adhering to GDPR. Fines are increasing from 2% to as much as 4% of an organisation’s total revenue and will require comprehensive, ongoing, documentation for audits.
GDPR is a journey, it’s an on-going regulation; it is not limited to a one-off audit and will therefore require regular data audits, together with mandatory reports, to ensure transparency and compliance.
A crucial aspect of success with GDPR is educating your employees. This is a regulation that will not only impact the IT department, but every aspect of the business, including marketing, operations, human resources, and sales. Each member of the company should be aware of the regulations and how they will impact daily operations
Privacy notices are also extremely important and transparency is paramount; be honest and open with people who give you their data. Be clear about why you are collecting it, why you want it, how you will be using it and how you will take care of it. This is at the very heart of GDPR.
While SME’s will not have anywhere near as much data as other larger organisations they will still be accountable for whatever they store – no matter how little. All data should be stored securely and clearly documented with when, how, and why it was obtained; what you are going to do with it and how long you are going to keep it. Data responsibility will now also impact the company or individual managing the network in addition to the network’s owner. Since compliance is a journey and not a destination, there is also a need for ongoing detection and threat remediation. Even data that is stored in filing cabinets will fall under the GDPR regulation.
It may sound overwhelming, but a full business audit and data review will be necessary to truly prepare for GDPR. If you’re like most business owners, you don’t have enough time in the day to keep operations running, take on new clients, and run an internal audit on your own. That is where we come in to help. Unity Cloud has the knowledge and experience necessary to manage and execute a comprehensive audit for you.
Unity Cloud’s powerful tool, Audit Guru for GDPR™, provides the intelligence necessary to perform a comprehensive scan of your network, create in-depth reports, and manage remediation efforts. The tool includes the custom portal built for your business, which stores a record of all compliance scans and remediation efforts you will need in the event of an audit.
Unlike checklist oriented products, Audit Guru for GDPR™ provides a combination of automated scanning technology and report generation specifically tailored to demonstrate GDPR compliance.
Conducting regular internal audits and documenting your efforts creates the information needed in the case of an external audit. Regular internal audits allow you to find issues that may impact your compliance. By completing those audits and documenting your remediation efforts, you create a paper trail to prove you are exhibiting best efforts to maintain compliance.
Simply put, a company might be doing the right things, but when a regulatory body asks you to demonstrate it, you want to be prepared. Having the ability to hand them documents in a format they can easily digest proves that you have been making best efforts to comply with GDPR.
You’re already aware of the repercussions of not abiding by the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), but do you know how to begin preparing? Unity Cloud is here to help you on your journey.
Unity Cloud can take care of the automated GDPR data audit process. We will work with you to review your privacy and information security policies for elements that are required to ensure lawfulness, fairness, and transparency. The methods we use ensure best practices by following the industry standards recommended by ISO 27001, one of the most comprehensive data security frameworks. We work together with your internal personnel to ensure everyone understands the importance of the new regulation and what they will be required to do, now and ongoing.
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