Web hosting: A brief overview

Creating an online presence usually starts with building a website, but to access your website on the internet, you need to partner with a web host. This blog post breaks down the basics of what business owners need to know about web hosting. What is a web host? A web host sells or leases memory […]

5 Website conversion ideas for your business

Do you need a website that’ll convince people to sign up for your services or buy your product? The solution to conversion is simpler than you think. Here are five easy website essentials that will surely encourage conversion. 1. Optimize your website for mobile devices More people are now surfing the web via smartphones and […]

Internet bandwidth requirements for remote workers

Working from home is here to stay, and more businesses will continue to implement either a fully remote work policy or adopt a hybrid work model strategy. Some employees, however, may find it difficult to be as productive at home as they are at the office, especially if they don’t have sufficient internet bandwidth. But […]

5 Savvy Gmail features you should try

Today, over 1.8 billion people use Gmail, choosing it over other email services for its ease of use and productivity-boosting capabilities. They’ll be surprised to learn that they can still take their Gmail experience up a notch by putting the following features to use. Undo Send In the fast-paced world of business, mistakes happen. And […]

Improve your password management profile with single sign-on

The average business can have well over a thousand user accounts spread over many different online platforms and services. Securely managing all of these logins can get difficult, especially since users are usually left to handle different complex passwords. This is why business managers and leaders should look into enabling single sign-on. What is single […]

Top website design trends you should use for your business site Improve your customer reach with a well-designed website These website design trends can take your business to the next level

Website design has gone a long way through the years, with many attractive and useful trends becoming fairly ubiquitous and almost “invisible”. Here are some of the newer trends that can help improve brand visibility and customer reach by making website content easy to digest and websites fun to browse. Mobile-friendly layouts Many websites today […]

How do sites with HTTPS make web browsing secure?

If you shop online like many people, you need to make sure that the site’s payment page has HTTPS in its URL. Otherwise, entering your personal and financial information on this page can expose you to risks such as identity theft. Read on to find out why HTTPS makes for a safer online browsing experience. […]

Tips to avoid common browser security dangers

Being tricked into visiting malicious websites and getting your computer infected with malware is not the only way your business data can get compromised. By browsing the net without using security measures, your computers and data could get into trouble. FYI: your web browser knows a lot about the sites you visit, including the credentials […]

Cloud-based ERP and its benefits

Using the cloud is so common these days that most small- and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) have at least one cloud service supporting their operations. An increasingly popular cloud-based service is enterprise resource planning (ERP). But what is it? And what are the advantages of using a cloud-based ERP solution? Here’s a quick and informative overview. […]

Hacks to speed up your WordPress site

Ten years ago, we didn’t mind waiting five seconds for a website to load, but today, we’ll click away if it doesn’t load immediately. If you want to speed up your WordPress site, then try the following tips. Keep WordPress and plugins up to date Updating your WordPress version and plugins will not only keep […]